Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Home Remedies For Arthritis Pain


No Arthritis Pain Now!!

You can treat arthritis pain by simple home made preparation

Here Complete Description of formulation is given


This is an old recipe for effective relief of arthritis pain


4 garlic cloves (peeled and crushed)

10 grams camphor

200 grams mustard oil

1 glass bottle with a tight fitting lid


Expose the camphor to bright, natural sunlight for it to melt.

Combine ingredients into the bottle.

Shake well Before use

Expose the mixture to the sunlight daily until camphor melts.

Shake well before use

Regularly massage (4-6 times a day ) into the affected areas.

The massage also promotes blood flow to the area.

Will keep for up to 3 months.

The word arthritis comes from the Greek arthron meaning "joint" and the Latin itis meaning "inflammation". The plural of arthritis is arthritides.

Arthritis is not a single disease - it is a term that covers over 100 medical conditions. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and generally affects elderly patients. Some forms of arthritis can affect people at a very early age.

What causes arthritis?


In order to better understand what is going on when a person suffers from some form of arthritis, let us look at how a join Basically, a joint is where one bone moves on another bone. Ligaments hold the two bones together. The ligaments are like elastic bands, while they keep the bones in place your muscles relax or contract to make the joint move.

Cartilage covers the bone surface to stop the two bones from rubbing directly against each other. The covering of cartilage allows the joint to work smoothly and painlessly.

A capsule surrounds the joint. The space within the joint - the joint cavity - has synovial fluid. Synovial fluid nourishes the joint and the cartilage. The synovial fluid is produced by the synovium (synovial membrane) which lines the joint cavity.

If you have arthritis something goes wrong with the joint(s). What goes wrong depends on what type of arthritis you have. It could be that the cartilage is wearing away, a lack of fluid, autoimmunity (your body attacking itself), infection, or a combination of many factors works. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these tips. To get fast relief with these remedies also take dietary supplements for joint pain.
