Sunday, 17 November 2013

Make Disinfecting Spray Easily (Home Remedies)

Make Your Own Disinfecting Spray:

Anti-Bacterial Formula:


Surface spray :
Use as an anti-bacterial in areas where people are sick and germs need to be removed:
1 cup white vinegar
2 table spoons fresh lemon juice
1 cup water
4 drops liquid soap
1 spray bottle
In the spray bottle combine all ingredients.
Shake well
Spray over surfaces which need disinfecting.
Apply frequently to reduce germs multiplying.

Sterilization and Disinfection:

Sterilization is defined as the process where all the living microorganisms, including bacterial spores are killed. Sterilization can be achieved by physical, chemical and physiochemical means. Chemicals used as sterilizing agents are called chemisterilants.


Disinfection is the process of elimination of most pathogenic microorganisms (excluding bacterial spores) on inanimate objects. Disinfection can be achieved by physical or chemical methods. Chemicals used in disinfection are called disinfectants. Different disinfectants have different target ranges, not all disinfectants can kill all microorganisms. Some methods of disinfection such as filtration do not kill bacteria, they separate them out.Sterilization is an absolute condition while disinfection is not. The two are not synonymous.

Decontamination is the process of removal of contaminating pathogenic microorganisms from the articles by a process of sterilization or disinfection. It is the use of physical or chemical means to remove, inactivate, or destroy living organisms on a surface so that the organisms are no longer infectious.

Sanitization is the process of chemical or mechanical cleansing, applicable in public health systems. Usually used by the food industry. It reduces microbes on eating utensils to safe, acceptable levels for public health.

Asepsis is the employment of techniques (such as usage of gloves, air filters, uv rays etc) to achieve microbe-free environment.

Antisepsis is the use of chemicals (antiseptics) to make skin or mucus membranes devoid of pathogenic microorganisms. 

Bacteriostasis is a condition where the multiplication of the bacteria is inhibited without killing them.

Bactericidal is that chemical that can kill or inactivate bacteria. Such chemicals may be called variously depending on the spectrum of activity, such as bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal, microbicidal, sporicidal, tuberculocidal or germicidal. 

Antibiotics are substances produced by one microbe that inhibits or kills another microbe. Often the term is used more generally to include synthetic and semi-synthetic antimicrobial agents.

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