Treat Acne or Pimples Easily:
Acne/Pimples is a very common problem especially in teenagers, which can persist into adulthood. This condition is characterised by pimples that are mostly seen on the face but can also occur on other parts of the body too. Acne is caused by overactive sebaceous glands which produce more than the average amount of sebum, making the skin oily and the pores blocked and resulting in pimples. This condition causes the sufferer to feel self conscious and embarrassed, especially when the pimples are on the face. Natural remedies can be very effective in reducing the appearance of acne and pimples.
Use of Vitamin A and Zinc:
Zinc and Vitamin A are very effective in treating acne, so increase your daily intake of these vitamins, either through your diet or through a supplement.
Use of Toothpaste:
Applying toothpaste to your pimples overnight is also very effective in treating acne and pimples as the toothpaste dries out the blemishes.
Use of Lemon Juice:
Lemon juice applied regularly to acne is a great remedy. The Vitamin C helps to reduce the inflammation.